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Why are mental health problems pervasive in correctional facilities?
The rate of mental illness in prisons may be as high as two to four times greater than in the general public.
Can you get reimbursements for video devices for patients who don't have a computer or smartphone?
Getting reimbursements for video devices vary depending on your work setting. Look to your workplace's patient support services, local and state government funding programs, and federally-supported services.
How can I combat Zoom fatigue symptoms?
Videoconferencing can feel stressful. If you find yourself exhausted by all of the video calls, here are our 6 tips to combat Zoom fatigue symptoms.
What group size is ideal for group therapy?
How sizes play a role in group cohesiveness
How can I improve the telehealth experience for those with hearing difficulties or who are deaf?
Workflow tips, including staff to troubleshoot audio quality, involving a sign language interpreter, and sharing your screen
What is Forensic Psychiatry?
Forensic psychiatrists are often hired by lawyers and judges to act as expert witnesses for both criminal and civil cases. They conduct psychiatric evaluations and offer opinions about how mental health issues relate to the case.
How do you prescribe long-acting injectables via telepsychiatry?
Prescribing long-acting injectables (LAI) is similar to that of prescribing any medication — determine the dose, frequency, and applicable dispensing location. We cover Injection Center networks, pharmacy capabilities, and examples of health systems that offer long-acting injectables.
I need help.
Resources for getting clinical help — for patients and family members.
How can a provider start a telepsychiatry practice?
To start a telepsychiatry practice, you must be licensed by the state to practice, and meet the requirements of your practice. Ideally, you would have board certification in psychiatry.